Tag Archives for WIPs

And she’s off!

I’m not what you’d call a joiner, particularly when it comes to sports. And while I have been known to watch the occasional Olympic opening ceremony (when it’s been televised at a convenient time) or World Cup grand final (ditto), … Continue reading

28. July 2012 by purldragon
Categories: Knitting, Ravellenics 2012 | Tags: , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment


Isn’t this the most perfectly happy colour ever? Instead of being slightly chilly but dry and sunny, this winter seems to have been one long wet season, punctuated with occasional glimpses of a watery sun. Looking at what I’ve been … Continue reading

21. July 2012 by purldragon
Categories: Knitting | Tags: , , , , | Leave a comment

It’s entirely possible that I have a problem…

Recently I caught myself surfing Ravelry, matching up yarns from my stash with potential sweater patterns. Sometimes I even match patterns with yarn I don’t already have. So what’s wrong with that? Nothing…except that I currently have five unfinished sweaters … Continue reading

26. April 2012 by purldragon
Categories: Knitting | Tags: , , | 5 comments